Progress news from our partners HYDRUS on Auxiliary systems design for the desktop studies

This task is on route to specify and describe in a concise way the auxiliary systems at a basic design level, equivalent to a preliminary front-end engineering design (pre-FEED) for 5 different desktop studies. The basic engineering calculations performed for the demonstrator vessel (Task 4.2), are gradually being extended to successfully address the required aspects for the desktop studies, of the various type of vessels. The content of the pre-FEED will cover the areas of the service, safety, electrical and bunkering systems. By the end of 2023, all calculations and the relevant drawings are expected to be close to their completion while at the same time meaningful refinements will be incorporated and will focus on the achievement of the approval-in-principle (AiP) level.

NH3CRAFT is a Co-funded by the European Commission Project. UK participation in NH3CRAFT Project is funded by UK Research and Innovation(UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe guarantee [grant numbers 10038548 and 10037828].