A short story on modular and scalability characteristics

The project will incorporate considerations for modularity and scalability at earlier stages, initially in WP2 with the establishment of basic requirements regarding modularity and later on, in WPs 3 and 4 during the detailed engineering studies of the storage and auxiliary systems. In this particular task, the unique features of the proposed concepts that facilitate their ability to be scaled up or down will be extensively outlined, based on the final demonstrator and the alternative desktop studies outlined in previous WPs. By treating these characteristics collectively, the modularity of the concepts will be demonstrated, and their integration with the digital platform will be defined. These characteristics will encompass both the storage tanks (such as batches of multiple horizontal or vertical cylindrical tanks, with the number varying based on requirements and available space, and the use of bi-lobe or tri-lobe shaped tanks, as well as tanks made of composite materials, etc.) and the fuel supply system (including the standardization of pumps, pipes, and safety equipment to accommodate the required fuel inflow). This work will be conducted for ships of various sizes and types, utilizing the digital platform from WP5 as the primary tool for these parametric studies.

NH3CRAFT is a Co-funded by the European Commission Project. UK participation in NH3CRAFT Project is funded by UK Research and Innovation(UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe guarantee [grant numbers 10038548 and 10037828].